- 24/7 Emergency Services
Believe it or not, not fixing your leaky faucet will end up costing you more in the long run than if you were to choose to fix it right away with Waters Edge Plumbing’s leak detection specialists. Turn to your local experts at Waters Edge Plumbing of Midland, Texas to get rid of your tiny to huge leaks- right away!
Leaky Faucets can cause your home to waste not just one thousand, but upwards to TEN THOUSAND gallons in water yearly. Add up those bills…or maybe don’t, because it’s a lot of money down the drain! Waters Edge Plumbing Service of Midland, TX wants to help you save those pennies, so give us a call if you have a sneaking suspicion you may have a leak.
Whether it be in plain site or something we need to search for, Waters Edge Plumbing Service of Midland, TX is your go-to leak detection specialist for quick, professional leak detection or repairs.
Waters Edge Plumbing Service began as a family business over 20 years ago here in Midland Texas. The company started with one goal in mind – to provide a cost effective quality plumbing service for the community.
© 2025 Waters Edge Plumbing Service